Supporters – 5th ECB Simulation Conference – Get Involved

Supporters – 5th ECB Simulation Conference

The 5th Simulation Conference of the European Central Bank took place from December 10 to 13, 2021, highlighting for the fifth consecutive year the role of the ECB in the European economy and contemporary economic developments in the Eurozone. More specifically, the agenda of this year’s conference was:

  • The impact of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) factors on the European financial sector.
  • The challenges of the Monetary Policies in the post-pandemic era and their interactions with Fiscal Policies.
  • The challenges of the digital economy and specifically of the Digital Euro (Central Bank Digital Currency).

Our supporters and partners played an important role in the successful conduct of the Conference.

We would like to thank in particular:

The Bank of Greece, a significant partner of ours, supported us for the third consecutive year and hosted the Training Day (which was held in a hybrid format). It was represented by Mr. Giannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece, and Mr. Dimitris Maliaropoulos, Director of the Directorate of Economic Analysis and Studies of the Bank of Greece.
PwC Greece contributed as the Gold Sponsor of the Conference and was represented at the Training Day by Mr. Marios Psaltis, CEO of PwC Greece. Mr. Psaltis delivered one of the Opening Speeches and Opening Remarks of the Training Day.
The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA), participated as a valuable scientific partner and was represented at the Training Day by Ms. Haroula Apalagaki, General Secretary of the Hellenic Bank Association. Ms. Apalagaki delivered one of the Opening Speeches and Opening Remarks as well.
The Hellenic Development Bank, which also served as a scientific partner was represented at the Training Day by Ms. Athena Hatzipetrou, President and CEO of the Hellenic Development Bank.
Last but not least, the Region of Attica, which provided auspices of the Conference and was represented at the Training Day by Mr. Nikolaos Peppas, Deputy Regional Governor of Economic Affairs, Attica.

We sincerely thank our supporters and partners for contributing to the successful conduct of the 5th Simulation Conference of the ECB for students. Their participation and their valuable contribution are a great honour for the Get Involved team as they support the realization of our mission. At the same time, they are a source of inspiration for the spread of financial literacy!