Invitation to Participate in the “ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives II” survey – Get Involved

Invitation to Participate in the “ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives II” survey

Get Involved, in its commitment to Sustainability and ESG topics since 2020, has published surveys and organized six scientific seminars that explored different aspects of these themes. Get Involved has highlighted its Sustainable Future initiative as a cornerstone of its efforts to educate and raise awareness on ESG and sustainability issues.
The “ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives II” survey is a continuation of last year’s study, in which 447 young people in Greece shared their views and expectations regarding the role of universities, businesses, and institutions in addressing ESG and Sustainability issues. The primary goal of this study is to foster dialogue with young people by “listening” to their perspectives on these critical topics.
The research is based on a questionnaire conducted in Greek, targeting university students and graduates in Greece from diverse academic backgrounds. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions divided into three sections and takes an estimated three to four minutes to complete.