ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives – Get Involved

ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives

Get Involved is pleased to announce the publication of the “ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives” survey, in which 447 young people in Greece aged 18 to 29 participated. The survey is part of our ongoing commitment to addressing the issues of ESG  and Sustainability, which first began in 2020. Specifically, under the “umbrella” of Sustainable Future initiatives, we have published various studies and surveys, as well as 5 training workshops have been organized.

The aim of the “ESG & Sustainability Youth Perspectives” study is to highlight the perspectives and expectations of youth on the role of universities, companies, and institutions regarding ESG and Sustainability issues. Additionally, this survey by Get Involved aims to initiate an active dialogue between young people, academia, the market, and institutions. This will lead to a greater awareness among stakeholders of the issues under consideration.

Key findings of the survey 
91.95% of the survey participants wish for the Greek Universities to actively contribute to their education on ESG and Sustainability. Furthermore, the majority of the sample (65.1%) believes that practical knowledge of the aforementioned topics will enhance their job prospects. A significant discrepancy between current and desired levels of education on these topics was highlighted. Nearly 85% of respondents indicated a notable preference for working (84.56%) and consuming products and services (85.91%) from companies that are distinguished for their performance on ESG and Sustainability. Finally, 73.74% of the sample, was pessimistic about the likelihood of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, while half of the respondents (48.1%) did not believe that climate neutrality in the EU will be achieved by 2050.

The team of Get Involved will expand and broaden its initiatives on ESG and Sustainability issues in order to address more effectively the needs and expectations of young people in Greece, as expressed in our survey results.