Recognition of Get Involved by the Bank of Greece – Get Involved

Recognition of Get Involved by the Bank of Greece

Get Involved expresses its sincere thanks to the Bank of Greece for its support in promoting financial literacy for young people and for the reference and recognition of Get Involved among the institutions that act in this direction.

The Bank of Greece is the national coordinator of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD – OCDE) Global Money Week (GMW) initiative (

This is an annual global campaign to raise awareness of financial education among young people. The campaign highlights the importance of educating young people about basic financial concepts in order to gradually acquire the knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions. Launched in 2012, GMW is held every year in March and has reached more than 60 million children and young people in 176 countries worldwide.

Our commitment to promoting financial literacy is aligned with a number of our actions, including the ECB Simulation Conference and the Financial Terms Index “Simple Finance for All”.

More information on the conference:
More information on the index:
For details of the Bank of Greece’s IT: