ECB Listens: Your Opinion Matters – Get Involved

ECB Listens: Your Opinion Matters

Your Opinion Matters

Get Involved – with the support of the Bank of Greece – brings to the forefront the views and concerns of the youth by participating in the ECB Listens initiative. The opinions submitted as proposals by participants in the 4th ECB Simulation Conference will be consolidated into conclusions by Get Involved. Subsequently, the scientific team at Get Involved will submit these conclusions to the Bank of Greece. As part of the institutional dialogue between citizens and the Bank, these conclusions will be forwarded to the European Central Bank.

➡️At the conclusion of the conference, Get Involved will prepare a Summary Report of the findings.
➡️This Summary Report will be included in the overall report that will be submitted to the ECB’s Governing Council.

This collaboration, initiated by the Bank of Greece, highlights the Supervisor’s evolving approach to the development of Monetary Policy – which affects every aspect of the economic life of Eurozone citizens. It also offers participants in Get Involved’s innovative simulation the opportunity to have their views heard at the ECB’s decision-making table.