Financial Literacy – Get Involved
ECB Simulation Conference
The annual and European unique Simulation Conference of the European Central Bank for university students is the main initiative of Get Involved.
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Economic Definitions Index
A contemporary tool for the promotion of financial literacy in a broad audience. It contains 9 thematic sections and 138 economic terms and concepts.
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Past Events
Get Involved has hosted numerous scientific conferences and educational seminars, both in physical and digital format, aiming to promote and strengthen Financial Literacy. These initiatives impacted thousands of university students and graduates in Greece.
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Get Involved initiatives consist of two main pillars of action. These pillars utilize a variety of initiatives -including events, educational materials, newsletters, and other methods- to spread relevant educational messages. The first pillar promotes financial literacy and the second is sustainability and ESG (Sustainable Future).

Since December 2017, Get Involved has been actively promoting Financial Literacy, recognizing its need from youth in Greece and of an interdisciplinary approach when examining it. To efficiently promote financial literacy, we developed various initiatives that collectively raise the awareness, knowledge, skills, attitude, and behavior of our audience on the examined topics. To achieve Financial Literacy we have two main initiatives:

1. ECB Simulation Conference:

The ECB Simulation Conference is the only conference at the European level that educates university students and graduates on the contemporary economic issues of the Euro Area. It is one of the most noteworthy interdisciplinary initiatives at a national level, where the participants, with the help of experiential learning and cooperation, gain knowledge on the challenges of the Monetary Union.

The Conference was held for the first time in December 2017. It is an annual event and lasts four days.

2 . Economic Definitions Index [EDI]

EDI is our main tool for promoting economic literacy to a wider audience and contains 138 economic terms from 9 thematic sections. The aim of the index is to become a source of information through which the reader will easily understand the terms included. 

We are currently collaborating with the Hellenic Bank Association to develop new versions of the EDI to reach an even broader audience.