Thanking our corporate supporters – ESG: The challenge facing the Greek economy – Get Involved

Thanking our corporate supporters – ESG: The challenge facing the Greek economy

With only a few days left until the start of the event “ESG: Understanding the challenge pillar for the Greek economy”, we would like to present our valuable supporters.

We would like to thank Motor Oil and the National Bank of Greece for their support as Diamond Sponsors of the event, and Intracom Holdings for their support as Gold Sponsor.

A big thank you both to HELLENiQ ENERGY for its participation as Event Supporter of our event and to Velos Advisory, which supports us from the position of Agenda Supporter.

On the sidelines of the event, ESG Insights: Impactful Awareness, an awareness project developed with the valuable contribution of Velos Advisory, will be presented.

We are waiting for you all on Friday 17 March at the Athens Small Exchange (1 Pesmazoglou Street).