Skeaper’s Agenda – 4th ECB Simulation Conference for university students – Get Involved

Skeaper’s Agenda – 4th ECB Simulation Conference for university students

We are delighted to announce the Keynote Speakers for the 4th European Central Bank Simulation Conference. Their participation brings great honor to the Conference, and it is a privilege and joy for Get Involved to have their ongoing support.

These esteemed speakers demonstrate their commitment to educational initiatives and act as bridges of knowledge and expertise, connecting academia, institutions, and the marketplace.

This year’s Conference, held amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, sees the Get Involved team further elevating the Conference experience. With the invaluable support of the Bank of Greece, we are officially participating in the ECB Listens program, providing a platform for delegates to engage in critical discussions on European Monetary Policy.

Additionally, the event will feature Executive Talks with international speakers and will expand its academic scholarship program for participants.

Upon the conclusion of the Conference, which will take place from December 11th to 14th, detailed reports will be published summarizing its themes and outcomes.

To view all the speakers of all of our Training Day, please click here.