Hellenic Bank Association supports the 5th ECB Simulation Conference of the ECB

With the 5th ECB Simulation Conference 7 days away from its start, we would like to warmly thank the institutions & supporters who contribute the most to its successful conduct for another year! We warmly thank the #Hellenic_Bank_Association, for its kind sponsorship and support.

Few words about #HBA:

The Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) is the representative of the vast majority of all Greek and foreign credit institutions that operate in Greece. It was established in 1928 and is a non-profit legal entity. It expresses the views of its member banks, provides advisory input to the regulatory process, participates in the decision-making procedures of international, European, and national law-preparing and technical committees, and cooperates with other countries’ organizations and associations of the financial sector in the context of bilateral or multilateral agreements. The HBA focuses on the collective modernization of its member banks and the overall development of the financial sector.

You will find more at https://www.hba.gr/

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